What is Deep Root Watering

Deep root watering is the process of providing hydration directly to the root zone of plants, rather than watering at the surface.

What’s Wrong With Surface Watering?

Watering at the surface isn’t nearly as effective as deep root watering because most plants absorb water at the roots. When watering is applied at the surface, up to 50% of that water is lost to run-off or evaporation.

There are additional issues related to surface watering, including waterlogging, soil compaction, and burning of leaves (if watering in direct sunlight and high-heat situations)

Higher Yielding Plants

When plants are watered at the surface, the roots are trained to reach up for hydration. Deep root watering, on the other hand, promotes deeper root growth in plants, enhancing their stability and enabling them to find more nutrients.

More Drought Tolerant Plants

Deep root watering encourages deeper, more expansive root systems. This allows them to find more water throughout a greater area and take in hydration from deeper subsoil and parent rock layers.

Plant Stability

Deep root watering promotes plant stability by encouraging roots to reach deeper into the soil, anchoring the plant securely and providing enhanced support against environmental stressors.

Trees and Large Shrubs

Plant Types
Fruit trees, Flowering trees, Flowering shrubs, Non-flowering or low-flowering shrubs and bushes, Non-flowering or low-flowering trees

Which RQ?
Root Quencher

The original Root Quencher was designed with trees and shrubs in mind, with an adjustable chamber that reaches from 9 to 22 inches. It also comes with directional plugs to ensure water only flows in the intended direction.

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Hedges, Shrubs, and Berries

Plant Types
Hedge Shrubs, Ornamental Shrubs, Berry Bushes, Large Vines, Roses, and more

Which RQ?
Root Quencher Jr.

Root Quencher Jr. was designed specifically for smaller shrubs, bushes, and other mid-sized plants. It ensures adequate deep-root watering for plants that need more than drip irrigation, but aren’t quite large enough to justify another deep root watering device or tactic.

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Garden Fruits & Vegetables, Flowers, and Smaller Ornamentals

Plant Types
Fruit trees, Flowering trees, Flowering shrubs, Non-flowering or low-flowering shrubs and bushes, Non-flowering or low-flowering trees

Which RQ?
Root Quencher Spike

The original Root Quencher was designed with trees and shrubs in mind, with an adjustable chamber that reaches from 9 to 22 inches. It also comes with directional plugs to ensure water only flows in the intended direction.

Shop Root Quencher Spike